Six years of ERI Sector Plan Law Research in Utrecht

Cross-pollination through collaboration

Six years of ERI Sector Plan Law Research in Utrecht voorzijde
Six years of ERI Sector Plan Law Research in Utrecht achterzijde
  • Six years of ERI Sector Plan Law Research in Utrecht voorkant
  • Six years of ERI Sector Plan Law Research in Utrecht achterkant

Six years of ERI Sector Plan Law Research in Utrecht: Cross-pollination through collaboration is a volume created to showcase and celebrate the work accomplished under the Utrecht Law Sector Plan. Since the start of the first Sector Plan Law in September 2019, researchers have engaged in innovative research and intensive collaboration on socially relevant topics. The research has focused on two main themes: Institutions for Conflict Resolution and Empirical Legal Research. These two themes have been combined in the cross-research cluster Empirical Legal Research into Institutions for Conflict Resolution (ERI). Collective collaboration has been key: within the research network itself, but also internationally and interdisciplinary. This volume reflects the diverse nature of ERI research, featuring contributions from various legal fields, using various methods, and written in both English and Dutch. It contains chapters on the empirical methodology itself, including lessons from researchers’ own experiences and the benefits of empirical methods in law. Furthermore, the volume presents chapters that use empirical methodology to research legal problems. Finally, some chapters shed light on various institutions for Conflict Resolution. This volume provides a valuable overview of recent scientific research for everyone interested in the fields of conflict resolution and empirical legal research. It appeals both to academics – researchers and students alike – as well as to practitioners.

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ISBN/EAN 9789462120013
Auteur Emanuel van Dongen
Uitgever Boom uitgevers Den Haag
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Paperback / gebrocheerd
Pagina's 354
Lengte 240.0 mm
Breedte 170.0 mm
1 Finding a needle in the haystack: Innovative search strategies for legal?research; 2 Behind the interviews: Experiences from a?qualitative study in?the?Netherlands; 3 Spreekgerechtigden aan het woord. Aanbevelingen voor vragenlijstonderzoek onder slachtoffers en nabestaanden; 4 Some reflections on the emotional burden of conducting interviews with victims of occupational diseases; 5 The legitimacy of judicial decision-making: Towards empirical scrutiny of theories of adjudication; 6 A multi-dimensional approach to the?rule?of law; 7 Rechtvaardige risicotaxatie. Het belang van een empirisch-juridisch perspectief; 8 The use of focus group discussion as a research method in European migration law; Langlopende letselschadezaken. Wat zijn de?belangrijkste kenmerken?; 10 De prijsvaststelling van aandelen bij vrijwillige overdracht. Een statutaire verkenning naar de rol van de deskundige; 11 De sociale bescherming van huishoudelijk werkers op papier en in de praktijk; 12 Transgender achter de deur: Een onderzoek naar en aanbevelingen voor de behandeling van transgender gedetineerden; 13 Behoort conflictoplossing in het vreemdelingenrecht per definitie tot domein van de rechter? Een inventarisatie van alternatieve vormen van conflictoplossing in het vreemdelingenrecht; 14 Ecocentrism at the environmental courts in Europe; 15 Assessing completeness: The role of preliminary ruling procedure in the system?of judicial review of EU law; 16 Het (militair) ambtenarenrecht als inspiratie in het post-COVID-19 tijdperk; 17 Perspectief op herstel in een forensische context: Een praktijkonderzoek naar slachtoffer-dadercontact; 18 Complexiteit van multiproblematiek en?het probleemoplossend vermogen van?de?rechter; 19 Declaratoire innovatie. Of: hoe de ene?verklaring van onverenigbaarheid de?andere niet is; 20 Power checks: democratic oversight of sanctions in Canada, the US, and the EU; 21 Independence of EU-level agencies on test: Spain v. Commission (C-632/20); 22 Giving due consideration: A normative pathway between UN human rights treaty monitoring bodies and domestic courts 23 “Islam itself is not on trial”: Culture and religion in the Al Hassan case at the?International Criminal Court

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