Light On The Path

Through The Gates Of Gold (2 BOOKS IN ONE)

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"Secreted and hidden in the heart of the world and the heart of man is the light which can illumine all life, the future and the past."-Mabel Collins. Light on the path now rank amongst the most helpful books of Theosophy. It's a treatise written for the personal use of those who are ignorant of the Eastern Wisdom and who desire to enter within its influence. In certain respects, the second text (Through The Gates Of Gold) may be regarded as a commentary on Light on the Path. The "Gates of Gold" represent the entrance to that realm of the soul unknowable through the physical perceptions, and the purpose of this work is to indicate some of the steps necessary to reach their threshold. Through their extraordinary beauty of style and the clearness of their statement, these two books in one will appeal to a wider portion of the public than most works of a Theosophical character. These works speak to the Western World in its own language, and in this fact lies much of their value. Large Print Edition, easy-to-read layout. TWO TEXTS:LIGHT ON THE PATH THROUGH THE GATES OF GOLD

ISBN/EAN 9782357288195
Auteur Collins, Mabel
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Gebonden in harde band
Pagina's 168

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