DeadEndia: The Watcher's Test

DeadEndia: The Watcher's Test voorzijde
DeadEndia: The Watcher's Test achterzijde
  • DeadEndia: The Watcher's Test voorkant
  • DeadEndia: The Watcher's Test achterkant

Barney and his best friend, Norma, are just trying to get by and keep their jobs, but working at the Dead End theme park also means battling demonic forces, time traveling wizards, and scariest of all-their love lives!

ISBN/EAN 9781454948957
Auteur Steele, Hamish
Uitgever Van Ditmar Boekenimport B.V.
Taal Engels
Uitvoering Gebonden in harde band
Pagina's 240

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