Bouquet e-bundel nummers 4161 - 4164

De serveerster en de biljonair / Veroverd door de koning / Magische momenten met de sjeik / Onweerstaanbaar en onbereikbaar

Bouquet e-bundel nummers 4161 - 4164 voorzijde
Bouquet e-bundel nummers 4161 - 4164 achterzijde
  • Bouquet e-bundel nummers 4161 - 4164 voorkant
  • Bouquet e-bundel nummers 4161 - 4164 achterkant


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ISBN/EAN 9789402545968
Auteur Abby Green
Uitgever HarperCollins Holland
Taal Nederlands
Uitvoering E-Book
Pagina's 471
Abby Green spent her teens reading Mills & Boon romances. She then spent many years working in the Film and TV industry as an Assistant Director. One day while standing outside an actor's trailer in the rain, she thought: there has to be more than this. So she sent off a partial to Harlequin Mills & Boon. After many rewrites, they accepted her first book and an author was born. She lives in Dublin, Ireland and you can find out more here:

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